Individual Resume:
Huang Yuancheng, a male, PhD, lecturer. In December 2010, he received his doctor's degree in photogrammetry and remote sensing from Wuhan University. In 2021, he was a visiting scholar in central and western universities, and a director of the Loess Plateau Remote Sensing Branch of China Remote Sensing Application Association. Mainly engaged in remote sensing image processing and interpretation, hyperspectral remote sensing teaching and research work. He has published 15 journal papers as the first author and corresponding author, 4 EI conference papers, 5 SCI papers, 2 papers with ESI high citation, and authorized 2 invention patents. He has undertaken a number of scientific research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education and the State Key Laboratory, and his research results have won the Excellent Paper Award of the 7th Annual Conference of High Resolution Earth Observation.
Email: yuanchenghuang@xust.edu.cn.
Field of Investigation:
Hyperspectral remote sensing, remote sensing image processing and interpretation, machine learning and pattern recognition.
Opening Courses:
Undergraduate courses: Digital Image Processing, Remote Sensing Digital Image Interpretation, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing.
Graduate course: Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing and Application.
Study and Work Experience:
2005.09--2010.12 State Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Doctor of Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
2011.01--2012.06 Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics, assistant researcher.
2012.06--2020.12, Department of Remote Sensing Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, lecturer.
Representative Academic Achievements:
1. Hyperspectral image-end metaspectroscopy analysis based on interactive least-squares optimization. Huang Yuancheng; Li Pingxiang; Zhang Liangpei. Journal of Wuhan University (Information edition), autumn 2010,35 (10): 1217-1221.
2. Pure spectral analysis and signal separation of multispectral fluorescence images. Huang Yuancheng; Zhang Liangpei. Journal of Optics, Winter 2010,30 (12): 3631-3636.
3. Enhanced morphological building index is applied to building extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images. Hu Rongming; Huang Xiaobing; Huang Yuancheng. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2014,43 (5): 514-520.
4. Joint blind decomposition and sparse expression of hyperspectral images. Huang Yuancheng; Zhong Yanfei; Zhao Yihe etc. Journal of Wuhan University. Information Science Edition, 2015,40 (9): 1144-1150.
5. Hyperspectral image anomaly detection in the multi-window fusion discriminant subspace. Ma Chunxiao; Huang Yuancheng. Journal of Applied Science, Spring 2019,37 (1): 64-72.
6. Detection method of hyperspectral image subspace analysis of isolated forest anomaly targets. Huang Yuancheng; Xue Yuanyuan; Li Pengfei. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2021,50 (3): 416-425.
7. Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging, Huang Yuancheng, 2017-10-1, China, CN105160642A
Major Scientific Research Projects:
1. Research on the Sparse Analysis Method for Hybrid Image element decomposition of hyperspectral remote sensing images (61102112), NSFC Youth Science Foundation Project, 2012.
2. Research on sparse analysis methods of hyperspectral remote sensing image classification (2013JK0946), Scientific Research Plan Project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, 2013.
3. Research on Imaging Spectrum Testing Technology for the Identification of Cultural Relics (2020FMKFKT07), Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Trace Science and Technology, 2020.
Honors and Awards:
1. Advanced Individual in Teacher Ethics, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, 2019.
2. Internet + + Excellent Instructor, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, 2021