Individual Resume:
Name: Wu Min
Gender: Female
Education: Doctoral Degree
Title: Lecturer
Email: wumin@xust.edu.cn
The overall situation of published papers, patents and hosted participation in the project,
Published 3 first author papers, including 2 SCI papers and 1 CSCD paper;
Field of Investigation:
Hydrology, water resources, and groundwater simulation
Study and Work Experience:
2011.09--2015.06 Bachelor of Electronic Information Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University
2015.09--2018.06 Master of Natural Geography, Northwest Institute of Ecological Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2018.09--2021.06 Doctor of Natural Geography, Northwest Institute of Ecological Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Representative Academic Achievements:
Wu Min, Wen Xiaohu, Feng Qi, Yin Zhenliang, Yang Linshan, Sheng Danrui. Water Quality Evaluation under Zhangye Basin in Dry Oasis Area Based on Random Forest [J]. China Desert, 2018,38 (03): 657-663.
Participated in 5 Scientific Research Projects:
1. National Key RESEARCH and development Plan "Integration and Application of Water Resources Security Technology in Northwest Inland Region", project 2 "Multi-scale Water Circulation Process and System Simulation in Northwest Inland Region under Changing Environment" (2017YFC0404302). Project approval time: July 2017
2. National Key R & D Plan "Efficient Development and Utilization Technology and Demonstration of Rain and Flood Resources in the River Basin", Project 8 "Comprehensive Utilization Technology of Flood Drainage and Storage in Areas without Control Projects" (2016YFC0400908). Project approval time: July 2016
3. Frontier key research project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Research on the Impact of Climate Change on Water Circulation and Water Resources Security in Northwest arid Areas" (QYZDJ-SSW)-DQC031).Project approval time: August 2016
4. "Light of the West" Project "Dunhuang Flood Resource Utilization Technology and Experimental Demonstration" (Y829821). Project time: January 2018
5. The National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China project "Typical Precipitation Runoff observation and simulation in arid inland rivers and shallow mountainous areas" (41601038). Project approval time: January 2017