Individual Resume:
Zhang Shuhua, a female, PhD student, is currently an associate professor of the School of Surveying and Mapping of Xi'an University of Science and Technology.
Email: shuhuazhang@xust.edu.cn
Field of Investigation:
Mainly engaged in the research of surface process under complex terrain in mountainous areas, the main research content is the estimation of surface short-wave radiation in complex terrain areas. Research points of interest: watershed hydrology and water resources, climate change, GIS / RS big data analysis, etc.
We sincerely invite students with professional backgrounds in geography, remote sensing, GIS, mathematics and computer to apply for graduate students. Welcome to contact.
Opening Courses:
Undergraduate courses: Urban GIS
Graduate courses: 3 D GIS
Education Experience:
2007.09-2011.06 Shihezi University, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, undergraduate
2011.09-2016.07, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD
Work Experience:
2016.09-2019.09 Postdoctoral / Assistant Professor, Nanjing University, School of Geography and Marine Sciences
2019.10-is still an associate professor of Xi'an School of Surveying and Mapping, University of Science and Technology
Representative Academic Achievements:
Major Scientific Research Projects:
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Project, 41701442, solar radiation estimation research in complex terrain area, 2018-01 to 20,20-12,220,000 yuan, concluded, hosted;
[2] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Committee, general project, 2018M632281, mountain solar radiation estimation research based on reanalysis data, 2018-01 to 2019-10,50,000 yuan, concluded, presided over;